LOGO-LEWA3 (Learn English With Africa) October
Learning French_How I Climbed to Level C2 in French_Thandi in Poland

How I Reached Level C2 in French: 7 Tips for Learning French and Other European Languages

Learn how to reach level C2 in French hassle-free. Here, I give you 7 pieces of advice to follow so that you can climb to great French heights when learning French.
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Learning French: How I Reached Level C2 Hassle-Free

Hi there! I teach English on this blog but I am equally a language learner like you! Language learning has been my burning passion for years and I would love to share that with you!

In this blog post, I show you how I was able to reach the highest level of French language learning (C2 level) without feeling like I was doing an impossible task. How did I do it? Keep on reading and you will soon find out!

First Things First!

A quick reminder!

I left my country of birth, which is Malawi, to go to France in the year 2000. My then boyfriend enrolled me in an intensive French language course and by the end of three months, I was able to communicate with his family.

The lessons were expensive but worth every penny. We worked on all four language skills: Written expression, reading comprehension, listening and speaking.

Later on, I had to do a one-year course in a school for adults in order to be able to enroll in a French university.

My babysitting sessions also helped me quite a lot because I used to read children books to the little boy I was keeping. His parents were journalists and they spoke excellent French. The lady was well-mannered and very fair. I wanted to emulate her in every way! This is why I kept on studying French seriously in order to reach her level!

That wasn’t all! I also watched a lot of French television and my favourite programme was a popular talk show called “C’est Mon Choix”. Through this programme I learnt authentic French and I was able to speak fluently with natives in a short period of time.

However, there are other factors which enabled me to climb to great heights as far as French language learning is concerned.

Consequently, I have 7 pieces of advice to share with you so that you can make great strides in French and reach unimaginable heights. Read carefully. If you want to know more about my life story, watch the video below.

Learning French (Advice No. 1): Listen to the Sounds of the Language

Develop the good habit of listening to the sounds that compose any type of language. Different types of sounds, vowels and consonants, compose the French language. Learn to identify them.

Besides, learn to observe people while they are speaking, especially natives. Imitate them.You will make the most of your French language learning process.

Do not forget to enjoy these sounds. They are quite precious. Listen to good French music and watch famous TV debates or shows. There are a plethora of excellent programmes! All you have to do is find some time to watch them. Do some eavesdropping while in a queue. Take advantage of all the little opportunities you can get in order to catch some sounds. You will not regret it. It is much fun!

Poems are also a great way of listening to the sounds of a language. Do not miss out on them!

You can read a poem in English here. It is a great poem about men and women.

Learning French (Advice No. 2): Feel the Emotions of the French Language

Observing the emotions of the people around me also helped me quite a lot. How did they express their joy in the French language? How did they express their sadness? How was doubt expressed?

Tapping into the rich emotional landscape of a language enabled me to develop my French language abilities faster because I could readily connect with people. I could understand their joys and sorrows and I could feel like I was part of a common language community.

Additionally, I read a lot of literature. Books are a priceless gateway to the emotions that a language can express. Therefore, I read a a variety of books of known and unknown authors.

Hence, I was able to broaden my horizon and really develop my reading comprehension skills.

My main advice is that you should let the language possess you. Do not be afraid to put yourself in the shoes of a French person. This is the only way you will go to the depths of French language learning.

You can discover how I learned the Italian language in the video below.

Learning French (Advice No. 3): Expand Your Vocabulary

Make it a mission to expand your vocabulary on a daily basis. Reading should be one of your preferred activities while learning French.

Read different types of written texts: online newspapers, novels and magazines. Do not forget social media. You will get to read a variety of opinions expressed in different types of languages. Take advantage of this free opportunity. Consequently, your vocabulary suitcase, if I may say so, will be full to the brim. You will be a master of the French language in no time at all.

Nowadays, you can read many classics without taking out a wad of cash or your credit card. Free resources abound and you truly have no excuse but to read tremendously. By the way, I am also an author and I have written a number of interesting short stories to teach English. Why don’t you check them out here?

Learning French (Advice No. 4 ): Use the French Language Creatively

Do not hesitate to use the French language creatively so that you can reach C2 level.

You can have a diary and write down your observations. You can equally have a blog like this one. It is a great way to express yourself and practise your writing skills.

Short works of fiction such as poems and short stories are within your grasp. Try to write some fiction and show it to your friends or family members. You will make a lot of progress if you do this.

You can also write witty comments on social media. You never know! They might get some engagement!

Learning French (Advice No. 5 ): Develop a Keen Interest for the French Language

Always remember that passion allows us to do the impossible. Develop a keen interest for the French language and its people.

Make it a project to really learn more about this beautiful language and the culture it is part of.

Ask yourself many questions about the language learning process itself. Why are you learning French? Are you interested in the French language or in the French language? Learn to distinguish your passions and interests!

Additionally, learn to love the French language and the French people. When you wake up in the morning, you should be eager to learn French. Consider French as a lover whom you would want to see everyday!

Be passionate! Reaching C2 level won’t be difficult afterwards!

You can learn more about my other passions in the video below.

Learning French (Advice No. 6): Reward Yourself for any Progress You Make

Develop a system of self-reward. Do not wait for people to reward you in some way.

Treat yourself well and make language learning a pleasure and not a burden.

You can go out for a movie to watch your favourite actors. It is also possible to do something that is not language related so that you can have a break.

Remember that any small type of progress is important!

Learning French (Advice No. 7): Speak, speak and speak! Write, write and write!

Take advantage of any small opportunity to speak. Do not the language lie still in your copybooks. Speak, speak and speak.

Make sure to use the language in writing too. A language is something that is dynamic. It should be used whenever possible!

Be free to make mistakes. They are normal in the French learning language process. Do not be ashamed of failure. Failure is also part of the process.

Once you apply this advice, you will notice that you are starting to make great progress. Remember to enjoy the process! Always!

That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post as much as I loved creating it.

With much love,


Further Exploration (Learning French): Camping in Europe

Watch: Life in Europe

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A2 Short Stories in English (Astronaut from Bolero)

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