Popular jobs according to different types of career fields

This week, we are learning about different types of jobs to celebrate the International Workers’ Day which falls on May 1st each year.
Yesterday, we had an introductory lesson in which we defined the word ‘JOB’ in relation to other similar words like ‘EMPLOYMENT’ and ‘WORK’.
We also talked about career fields. By the way, here is the correction for the exercise that you had to do:
Correction: Career Fields, Learn English With Africa, 2019 (PDF)
Our Programme:
WEDNESDAY: English Vocabulary: Different Types of Jobs (Lesson 3: Dialogue with Different Examples of Jobs)
THURSDAY: English Vocabulary: Different Types of Jobs (Lesson 4-Describe your Future Job)
FRIDAY: English Vocabulary: Different Types of Jobs (Lesson 5: How to write a dialogue)
CHALLENGE: By the end of the week, you will be able to write a dialogue of at least 10 lines in which the characters talk about different types of jobs and career fields.
TODAY’S LESSON: English Vocabulary: Different Types of Jobs (The most common and popular jobs)
STEP 1: Beauty, Creativity and Entertainment

Do you know these popular jobs? Is anyone from your family a photographer or a sculptor? Would you work as a composer if you were given the opportunity? What do you think about these jobs?
Use a dictionary to check the meaning and the pronunciation of the new words that you do not know.
Here are a few examples of how you can use these words in context:
- My friend works as an actor and he is always travelling.
- She is an acclaimed musician and does a lot of concerts.
- I would like to be a choreographer in the future.
- Their son is a cartoonist and he loves his job very much.
- She is studying to be a fashion designer because she likes making clothes for her siblings.
- Her younger brother dreams of being able to make a living as a dancer and a singer.
YOUR TURN: Can you make your own sentences? Five would be great! Once you have finished, we can move on to the second stage.
STEP 2: Enlightening People, Both Young and Old

What is your opinion about these jobs? Do you think that they are necessary? Do your friends have one of these common and popular jobs? If so, what do they say about such professions?
Here are more examples illustrating these words in context. Always remember to use a bilingual or unilingual dictionary in order to find the meaning of new vocabulary.
- He is an English teacher and he works in a beautiful secondary school.
- Their daughter has a private tutor who helps her with her schoolwork.
- Our administrator is young and very ambitious.
- We would like to have a school psychologist that can help our students cope with stress.
- My eldest son applied for a job as a career adviser in a well-known school.
YOUR TURN: Choose your five favourite jobs from the picture and make sentences with them. Be creative!
Once you are done, we can move on to the next exciting step.
STEP 3: Healing and Taking Care of Others

These are some of the most common and popular jobs you can find in every country. Do you have a lot of doctors and nurses in your city? Are all these jobs familiar to you?
Check the pronunciation and the meaning of unfamiliar words just to be on the safe side.
Here is how we have used some of these words in context:
- I know a pharmacist who works in a general hospital.
- Our paediatrician is very knowledgeable and good with children.
- She works as a psychiatrist in a private hospital.
- A nurse should be kind and caring in order to do her job well.
- Football players need physical therapists all the time.
YOUR TURN: Have you thought of any sentences you could write concerning some of the jobs in the picture?
Take your time and once you have finished you can read out your work to someone to practise your pronunciation as well.
Preparation for tomorrow’s lesson:
Download the PDF file below and answer the questions:

Further Exploration: (Popular jobs)
You can do the following activities whenever you have some time.
- English Vocabulary: Different Types of Jobs (Lesson 1-Jobs and Career Fields)
- Adjectives for Describing Jobs, Learn English With Africa, May 2016
