Short story with the Simple Present tense (The Last Piece of Chicken_Level A1-A2_With the Simple Present_Learn English With Africa_June 2020

🍗 English Short Story: THE LAST PIECE OF CHICKEN, with the Simple Present and Vocabulary about Food (Level A2-B1)

This a short story with the SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE and it is about a boy who wants to get the last piece of chicken in the plate. He has a plan. (Level A2-B1)
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Learn the Simple Present and vocabulary about food with this intermediate short story!

Short Story with the Simple Present, The Last Piece of Chicken, Learn English With Africa, June 2020

I love chicken.

In my home, we eat chicken with rice once a week. Our mother prepares the meal before we go to church on Sundays. We are very happy when we get back home because we know that the food is already on the table. All we have to do is sit down and enjoy the delicious feast.

The problem is that everyone in our family loves chicken.

My father does; my mother does; and even my three year-old-brother does. What I cannot stand is when we fight for the chicken with my elder brother.

He is quicker than I and he often gets the last piece of chicken.

Today is Sunday and I want to outwit him.

First, let me tell you about our daily routine on Sundays. We wake up two hours later than usual. This means that the alarm sounds at eight. My brother and I head straight to the bathroom where we wash our faces and brush our teeth. Then we go back to the bedroom to change into working clothes. These are usually run-down shorts and t-shirts that we are not afraid of soiling. Then, we go to the garden in our plastic slippers and start sweeping the yard.

We make sure that every nook and cranny of the garden is swept carefully because my father always comes to inspect our work afterwards. When we finish, we go to the bathroom once again to wash ourselves. On Sundays, we have the luxury of hot water so we enjoy each and every second of it.

Later, we put on our best clothes. We want to look nice because we meet a lot of people at church and everyone always looks their best. My favourite attire is a grey suit that my father bought in South Africa when he went there for a business trip. My friends say that I look very elegant in that suit and when it is paired with my black leather shoes, it is difficult to recognise me.

Today, I decide to wear this suit because I want to get the last piece of chicken. My father says that when you go for an interview or an important meeting, you should always look the part because you do not want to spoil your chances of getting a job or a contract.

Chuma, my elder brother, does not know that today is my day. Today, I am going to get the contract. I have a plan and this plan will help me get the last piece of chicken.

Short Story with the Simple Present_The Last Piece of Chicken_Learn English With Africa_June 2020

After church, we arrive home at 1.00 p.m. My mother puts the food on the table. Today we are having a full roasted chicken. There are French fries too! The food smells so good and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. My father takes a knife and cuts the chicken into half.

Pleasant aromas fill the room and I know at that moment that my plan should work because I want that last piece of chicken.

We start eating. Once again, I can say that my mother knows how to cook. The meat is not too soft and it is not too hard either. It is just right. The seasoning is nice and I do not even have to add extra salt.

The rice and chicken are very good friends. The French fries are crispy and soft at the same time. The salad is divine. Oh God, the food is so tasty and yummy I almost forget about my plan.

I wake up from my slumber and decide to act on my plan to get the last piece of chicken.

“I have something important to tell you.”

Everybody is annoyed because we cannot speak while eating. It is forbidden because no one wants to see what is in our mouths. I apologise very quickly before continuing.

“We can do a quiz at the end of the meal. The one who wins gets the last piece of chicken.”

My father stares at me as if I am trying to give him the bad end of a deal. My mother does not need to say anything but there is disapproval on her face. My younger brother keeps on smiling —he is enjoying his food. Chuma stops eating; he is thinking.

Short Story with the Simple Present_The Last Piece of Chicken_Learn English With Africa_June 2020

“Father will ask the questions. Any type of questions to test our knowledge on what we know about our world.” My father smiles and he is followed by my mother. Knowledge is the key to my parents’ hearts. Chuma is not happy. My youngest brother grins —he is still enjoying his food.

Chuma senses something.

“Kevin, you’re up to something.”

My name is Kevin if you don’t know me. Well, it is clear to me at this moment that the fight is between Chuma and me. We are both very good at school so this quiz will be a piece of cake for either of us.

“Come on Chuma. Don’t chicken out! Just think of the prize. You’ll get the last piece of chicken!”

A few seconds go by and Chuma finally decides to do the quiz. My father says that we should wait until there is only one piece of chicken in the plate. He will not participate in the game since he is the umpire. We agree.

When we are finally ready to start, my father stands up. Oh, he likes the drama of dishing out the questions and seeing us stammer with hesitation when we do not know the right answers.

He speaks with a deep voice like his favourite TV presenter.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sunday Quiz. I am your host, Chuma Senior Kumwenda. Our contestants today are Chuma Junior, Kevin, Mary and a three-year-old boy called Trevor because he is clever, ha, ha.”

My father likes laughing at his own jokes but we are in no mood to laugh. We want to start the game!

Next, he tells us the rules of the game. We have to raise our right hand when we know the answer. Shouting is prohibited. We should not curse each other, especially since it’s our Lord’s Day. The person who gets five answers before anyone else is the lucky winner.

Fair enough. We all agree with the rules. Ready, steady, go!

After three minutes, my mother is leading. She knows a lot of things like the exact dates of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of World War II. Well… Chuma and I are mad of course. How can we know all those things? We are not that old! My mother says that we should pay more attention in class.

Then my mother answers the next three questions easily and wins the game! She wins the game!

How can Chuma and I know, let alone young Trevor even though he is clever, how can we know where our current president was born and where he studied at university for the first time? The last question was even worse. “What is the capital city of Chile?” Why father? Why? I don’t even know where Chile is!

My father hands the last piece of chicken to my mother. She is beaming with joy and there is the smile of victory on her face. Chuma and I get up from the table but my father tells us to sit down.

“Kevin, this was your idea, wasn’t it?” he asks me with concern.

“Yes, it was,” I mumble a reply.

“Well, congratulate your mother then. She won fairly.”

I tell her what a great person she is, no wonder her children are intelligent too. My mother smiles and starts removing the flesh from the chicken.

Short Story_The Last Piece of Chicken_Learn English With Africa_June 2020

“Trevor, do you want some chicken?”

Trevor nods his head and my mother hands him the meat. He is smiling as his fork finds the first piece of chicken. He eats joyfully until there is only one piece left.

“Kevin, do you want some?” Trevor asks me and I smile.

“Of course I do, you little one.”

He gives me the last piece of chicken and I pop it into my mouth.

It is as tasty as I’d imagined it.

It is the last piece of chicken after all!

Listen to the short story:

Further Exploration: (The Last Piece of Chicken)

Do the quiz:

1. What is the title of this short story?

Question 1 of 20

2. The characters in this story are...

Question 2 of 20

3. On which day of the week does the story take place?

Question 3 of 20

4. What special meal does the family have every Sunday after church?

Question 4 of 20

5. Kevin hates chicken.

Question 5 of 20

6. Chuma Senior Kumwenda plans to eat the last piece of chicken in the plate.

Question 6 of 20

7. Put the sentences in the right order.
  1. We put on our best clothes.
  2. We wake up.
  3. We change into working clothes.
  4. My father inspects our work afterwards.
  5. We go to the bathroom once again to wash ourselves.
  6. My brother and I wash our faces and brush our teeth.
  7. We sweep the yard.

Question 7 of 20

8. Kevin's favourite attire is a grey that his father bought during a business trip in South Africa.

Question 8 of 20

9. Why does Kevin wear his favourite suit on this particular Sunday?

Question 9 of 20

10. What time do all the family members arrive at home after church?

Question 10 of 20

11. What food do they have on this particular Sunday?

Question 11 of 20

12. Kevin complains because he thinks that the food is too salty.

Question 12 of 20

13. Which Adjectives best describe this food.

Question 13 of 20

14. In Kevin's household, it is forbidden to speak while eating.

Question 14 of 20

15. Kevin suggests that they should do a quiz in order to get the last piece of chicken.

Question 15 of 20

16. Who will ask the questions?

Question 16 of 20

17. Chuma finally accepts to participate in the quiz.

Question 17 of 20

18. What's the name of Kevin's three-year old brother who also participates in the quiz?

Question 18 of 20

19. Who wins the quiz?

Question 19 of 20

20. Who eats the last piece of chicken?

Question 20 of 20


Download Short Story with the Simple Present Tense:



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Short Story with the Simple Present_The Last Piece of Chicken_Learn English With Africa_June 2020


Short Story_The Last Piece of Chicken_Learn English With Africa_June 2020
About the Author
Thandi Ngwira Gatignol Learn English With Africa March 2023

Thandi Ngwira Gatignol is the founder of Learn English With Africa. She was born on June 11th, 1981 in Blantyre, Malawi. When she was 19, she left her country of birth for France. She currently lives with her two daughters and husband in Poland.

Thandi holds a Bachelor’s degree in English studies obtained at the Université Paris X Nanterre in France and a Certificate in Journalism from Malawi. She has taught English as a French Ministry of Education certified teacher both in France and in Poland. She speaks six languages fluently, including French, Polish and Italian. She is now learning Kiswahili, German and Spanish. Salt No More is her debut novel and you can find her other books here on the website or on Amazon.

Short Story with the Simple Present Tense, Level A2-B1: The Last Piece of Chicken, with the Simple Present Tense and Vocabulary about Food (©Learn English With Africa, June 2020)

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2 Responses

    1. I agree with you. The food is just too tempting! At least lunch is just around the corner.

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