LOGO-LEWA3 (Learn English With Africa) October
english methodology


Learning a new language can be intimidating. Just imagine, you leave the safety of your familiar world and enter a new one with a completely new set of rules and ways of thinking. Without the proper methodology, this process can be disorienting and frustrating!

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“Learning is not a spectator sport.”

D. Blocher
Why is it Important to Have the Right Methodology when Learning English?

Learning a new language can be intimidating. Just imagine, you leave the safety of your familiar world and enter a new one with a completely new set of rules and ways of thinking. Without the proper methodology, this process can be disorienting and frustrating!

Most of the time, people give up after a few months of learning English seriously because they can no longer stomach this idea of chaos, and understandably so!

The problem is not the lack of materials or content. We are lucky to have a plethora of audio and written documents freely available on the internet. This is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

On one hand, it is a blessing because we can easily access information without spending too many resources in terms of money and time. On the other hand, it is a curse because it is difficult to sift through this material and find what works best for us.

This is where acquiring the right learning techniques comes into play. Mastering these techniques will turn you into an active learner and help you reach your target quicker and enjoyably.

What is Methodology?


According to Cambridge Dictionary, ‘Methodology’ is a system of ways of doing, teaching, or studying something.

This makes sense because if you look at the word and break it down, you get ‘method’ and the suffix ‘ology’. The term ‘ology’ comes from Greek and is used to refer to a branch of knowledge or a field of study. For example we have Biology, Theology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Cosmetology, Astrology, etc. A ‘method’ defines itself as a particular way of doing something and involves logical steps.

Vocabulary.com’s definition of ‘Methodology’ is more pro-active. This term is seen as a plan-of-attack that we use consistently or repeatedly in order to tackle a problem or a task.


“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark!”

Richard Cushing
language learning methods learn english with africa august 2024

This is why we created this Methodology Page at Learn English With Africa. We want to help you develop the right learning strategies that will enable you to get the most out of any materials or content that you consume.

As a matter of fact, a strategy refers to a concrete plan of action that is indispensable in your language-learning journey.

Luckily enough, on this page, you will find essential tips and tricks allowing you to gain in-depth understanding of all integral aspects of English: Speaking, Listening, Writing and Reading.

It is as if you had a language shopping basket and you needed to fill it with goodies necessary for your growth. What would you put in that basket? Grammar? Vocabulary? Translation? Comprehensible input? Pronunciation drills? App learning? How much would you put there? How would you fill this basket? And most importantly, with what frequency would you fill this basket?!?\

Additionally, just like when you are shopping for food, where would you get your supplies, remembering that quality and variety outweigh quantity?

It’s complicated, isn’t it?

Don’t worry, we have you covered.
Thandi Ngwira Gatignol (Learn English With Africa)

My name is Thandi.

I founded Learn English With Africa in 2015; hence I have a lot of experience in learning and teaching languages. I speak English, French, Polish, Italian, Chitumbuka and Chichewa. Besides, I am currently learning Kiswahili, German and Spanish. Languages are my passion.

Therefore I will help you save so much time by sharing my experiences, enabling you to learn from my mistakes and my success stories.

Do check this page regularly to get advice about how to learn English or any other language in the most effective and delightful way!

I look much forward to hearing from you!


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